

Wed, 20 Mar 2024 18:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 19:30:00 GMT+08


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    Futures of Multipolar Computation, a Philosophical Perspective

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    本讲座将探讨行星计算的过去、现在和未来,探索以行星级计算——以及堆栈(The Stack)这一无心插柳的超级结构——作为全球社会的基础设施。在堆栈的创想中,计算不仅仅是数据和算法,还是连接全世界各种文化与生态体系的基础。信息的生产已然成为关键要素,但人工智能的出现,却带来了更为复杂、亦更富创造潜力的新模式。哲学、设计和科幻能如何携手合作,共同构想新的未来?

    本讲座将从本杰明·布拉顿(Benjamin Bratton)本人的著作和Antikythera项目的成果出发,将哲学思辨、原创性研究和包括生成式人工智能在内的数字媒体融为一体,探索行星级计算的核心问题。

    The talk will explore the past, present, and future of planetary computation. We see the planetary scale computation – and the accidental megastructure of The Stack - as a foundational infrastructure of global society. The Stack imagines computation not only as data and algorithms but as the basis of global systems that connect cultures and ecologies. The production of information has been a crucial factor, but the emergence of artificial intelligence, brings new models with increasing complexity and potential creativity. How can philosophy, design and science-fiction collaborate to conceive new futures? 

    The lecture will draw on Bratton’s own writing as well as work of Antikythera that combines philosophical speculation, original research and digital media including generative AI to explore critical issues in planetary computation.




    本杰明·布拉顿(Benjamin Bratton)是博古睿研究院Antikythera项目的主任。他是加州大学圣迭戈分校的哲学技术和思辨设计教授。他的研究涵盖了技术哲学、社会和政治理论、计算媒体和基础设施以及思辨设计。他著有多部书籍,包括The Stack: On Software and Sovereignty (MIT Press, 2016),The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World (Verso, 2021),The Terraforming (Strelka Press, 2019),Dispute Plan to Prevent Future Luxury Constitution (e-flux/Sternberg Press, 2015)。他目前的写作项目旨在发展一种新的关于“人造”的哲学,涉及气候变化、行星科学、合成智能和可行的行星未来的前景。

    Benjamin Bratton

    Director, Antikythera

    Benjamin Bratton is Director of the Antikythera program at Berggruen Institute. He is Professor of Philosophy of Technology and Speculative Design at the University of California, San Diego. His research spans philosophy of technology, social and political theory, computational media & infrastructure, and speculative design. He is the author of several books includingThe Stack: On Software and Sovereignty (MIT Press, 2016),The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World (Verso, 2021),The Terraforming(Strelka Press, 2019), andDispute Plan to Prevent Future Luxury Constitution (e-flux/Sternberg Press, 2015). His current book project develops a new philosophy of the “artificial” in relation to climate change, planetary science, synthetic intelligence and the prospects of viable planetary futures. 




    Wednesday, March 20th, 2024 – 6- 7:30pm CST

    English, with Simultaneous Translation



    Auditorium, Design Innovation Institute. 505 DongChangzhi Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai



    Support provided by Iris Long, Writer, Independent Curator and Berggruen China Center Fellow. 


    Hosted by Design Innovation Institute Shanghai.


    关于上海创新创意设计院Design Innovation Institute Shanghai

    上海创新创意设计研究院(Design Innovation Institute Shanghai,简称DIIS ),是一所致力于创造具有世界一流水平的设计创新及其转化的新型非营利高端科研机构。随着设计成为继科技、市场后的第三种创新范式,研究院于2020年成立并落位于虹口北外滩修缮焕新后的百年历史建筑“雷士德工学院旧址”,致力于打造世界级设计驱动式创新转化引擎。

    研究院旗下分设产业联合实验室集群、跨学科大师工作室集群、设计创新孵化器、“设计寰宇 Design Universe”生态平台、“前沿设计创新奖 Frontier Design Prize”国际大奖等多个创新载体,汇聚国际人才和产业生态,共同服务和引领产业的转型升级和经济的高质量发展。

    Design Innovation Institute Shanghai (DIIS) is a non-profit research institution dedicated to pioneering design innovation with tangible real-world impact. As design assumes its place as the third pillar of innovation alongside technology and market dynamics, DIIS was founded in 2020 with the overarching objective of establishing a world-class engine for design-driven innovation transformation. Situated in the beautifully restored 90-year-old heritage building formerly known as the Lester Institute of Technical Education, DIIS is nestled in the North Bund CBD area of Shanghai.

    Within the DIIS framework, an array of innovative platforms has been created. These encompass the prestigious Frontier Design Prize, an international accolade, the Design Universe event platform, multidisciplinary master studios, joint industry laboratories, and a design innovation incubator. Collectively, these components serve as magnets for international talent and foster thriving industry ecosystems, all geared toward spearheading the transformative progress of diverse industries while contributing to high-quality economic development.


    博古睿研究院The Berggruen Institute

    博古睿研究院成立于 2010 年,致力于增进人类对这个变革时代的深度理解,培育和发展新的思想和理念,助力全球各机构、政策制定者以及公众应对影响人类的深刻变化。在“技术全球化” 时代,对现有机制以及其价值理念进行批判性反思至关重要。

    作为一个国际性的“思考和行动” 网络,我们力求汇集最优秀的人才,发起跨越文化和政治界限的沟通,以应对全球治理和科技迭代对人类带来的重大挑战。

    We live in a time of great transformations. From capitalism, to democracy, to the global order, our institutions are faltering. The very meaning of the human is fragmenting. The Berggruen Institute was established in 2010 to develop foundational ideas about how to reshape political and social institutions in the face of these great transformations.

    We work across cultures, disciplines and political boundaries, engaging great thinkers to develop and promote long-term answers to the biggest challenges of the 21st Century.



    Antikythera是博古睿研究院孵化的一个研究项目。该项目由加州大学圣迭戈分校的本杰明·布拉顿(Benjamin Bratton)教授领导,通过跨学科工作室、沙龙和多媒体出版物等媒介,以设计未来可能场景的方式,研究行星计算的过去、现在和未来。该项目每两年为一个运作周期:第一年,设计研究工作室提出关键的想法和猜想;第二年,有所侧重的设计开发工作室和工作小组,与学术界、工业界和社会各界的合作伙伴一起深化创意和项目。参与者具有广泛的跨学科背景,其领域涉及设计、技术、哲学、工程、艺术、社会科学和人文学科。

    Antikythera is a research program that’s incubated by the Berggruen Institute. Led by Professor Benjamin Bratton from University of California (San Diego), the program researches the past, present, and future of planetary computation, developing scenarios through interdisciplinary Studios, Salons and multimedia Publications. The program operates on a two-year cycle. In the first year, intensive design-research studios surface key ideas and speculations. In the second year, focused design-development studios and working groups deepen ideas and projects with partners across academia, industry, and civil society. Contributors are vastly interdisciplinary and work across design, technology, philosophy, engineering, art, social sciences and the humanities.

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    博古睿研究院中国中心聚焦从中国视角、东方智慧观照人类变革和全球治理。人工智能和生命科学的突破性发展引领了第四次科技革命,中国科学家和思想家参与全球对话至关重要;融入当代性的东方智慧如何破解今天全球共同面临的挑战。 2018年12月19日,北京大学博古睿研究中心在北京揭牌成立。 2010年,尼古拉斯·博古睿和内森·加尔斯在加利福尼亚汇集顶尖学界、商界和政界人士,思考和讨论由世界金融危机带来的经济、政治问题,西方民主制度危机带来的挑战,以及中国的崛起将怎样影响21世纪的全球合作和治理。

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